FREE SUPER BONUS: 2 Day Private Fast-Start Coaching at James Malinchak's House for You and a Guest!  ($50,000 value)
Spend TWO Private & Exclusive full-days (8:00 am - 6:00 pm)

Additional Details:



*NOTE: Space is limited to the first 20 per training date who confirm so please confirm your space ASAP… and have your guest do the same ASAP. Your guest may use the same link to enroll, James’ Calendar but they must use their own email.


Step 1:  Put Down Your $97 Non-Refundable Deposit

Step 2:  You'll go to the calendar and see what dates are available

Dates are first come first served

Please make sure that your guest books with their own unique email address

 $97 Seat Deposit Non-Refundable Deposit
If you cancel for ANY reason you will forfeit your deposit.  We have to purchase materials, food, and transportation for you.  Canceling last minute really makes things difficult for us :(
Moreover, IF there's room on another date - you would need to pay another $97.

***Please Have Your Guest Use This Same Process to Register***

Please Read the Confirmation Email

If you don't see the confirmation email with all details:
* Please look in spam
* If you still can't find it:


(1) If I feel sick, should I still attend?
NO! If you are sick or feel sick, please do not attend. 
Please be considerate to others who will be there, James and his team by NOT spreading germs and infecting others.  You will be able to reschedule your Group Coaching & Mastermind and your seat deposit will be transferred to the date you can attend healthy.
Anyone who attempts to ignore this request and attend will immediately be asked to leave with no seat deposit refund and no opportunity to return at any future date.

$97 NON-Refundable Deposit

If you cancel for ANY reason you will forfeit your deposit. 

We have to purchase materials, food, and transportation for you. Canceling last minute really makes things difficult for us :(

Moreover, IF there's room on another date - you would need to pay another $97.  

(2) Do I have to pay the seat deposit?
Yes. To attend the Group Mastermind at James’ house. Everyone must pay the NON-Refundable $97 seat deposit.
*NOTE: Because we must pre-order materials and pay for the food weeks in advance, NO seat deposits will be refunded should you cancel for any reason.

(3) Does my Guest have to pay the $97 Non-Refundable seat deposit?
Yes, your guest will need to pay the seat deposit to secure their spot.
*NOTE: Because we must pre-order and pay for the food weeks in advance, NO seat deposits will be refunded should your guest cancel for any reason.

(4) Do I have to pay for my own airfare (or driving expenses) and hotel?
Yes, all participants are responsible for their travel and lodging expenses.

(5) Can you pair me up with a roommate at the hotel?
No, we cannot recommend roommates due to liability issues.

(6) Can I stay at another hotel other than the recommended hotels?
Yes, but you must get to the Spring Hill Suites by Marriott in Henderson, NV for the pickup by 7:00 AM BOTH DAYS! to go to James’ house.
If you miss the bus pick-up, you will NOT be able to attend.
***NO private vehicles, UBERS, LYFTS or TAXIS will be able to gain access to James' home or community.

(7) Can I leave the Mastermind early?
No, James will be teaching you the entire time so plan on staying the entire time.

(8) Can I drive to James’ house?
No. James’ community will not permit additional car parking.
You MUST be on the bus in-order to attend.
(9) Can I get an Uber, Lyft or Taxi?
NO private vehicles, UBERS, LYFTS or TAXIS are permitted to gain access to James' home or community. You MUST be on the bus in order to attend.

(10) Do You Provide Meals at the Group Mastermind?
Lunch is provided. We will also have snacks, coffee, and tea available. If you have special dietary needs, you may want to bring your own lunch and snacks.

(11) Will I be able to video record or live stream the Group Coaching and Mastermind Session?
NO. Our attorneys do NOT permit anyone for any reason filming inside of James’ house for any reason whatsoever.

(12) Will I be able to take pictures with James?
Yes. There will be time scheduled for pictures with James.

(13) How should I dress?
Dress in casual, comfortable clothing. You will be sitting and working for two full days in a small conference room so be comfortable. PLEASE bring a jacket or log sleeve top as it gets cold in the meeting room,

(14) Do I have to remove my shoes?
Yes. Anyone entering the house MUST remove their shoes. And nobody is permitted to be barefoot so PLEASE make sure to wear socks.

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